

发布时间: 2024-05-17 14:25:57北京青年报社官方账号

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"COVID-19 has seriously impacted how we conduct international diplomacy. That includes hosting APEC. As has occurred with many other international government-to-government events, APEC 2021 will proceed using virtual digital platforms," Peters said.


"CNPC will deepen cooperation with economies participating in the Belt and Road Initiative in the oil and gas sector, consistently promoting energy and infrastructure cooperation," said Wang Yilin, CNPC chairman, during the Belt and Road Roundtable for oil and gas cooperation in Beijing on Tuesday.


"China is driving national reform through the new infrastructure initiative, and the public cloud is playing a key role in powering adaptive enterprises. As one of the leaders in global public cloud market, the acceleration of AWS in cloud services in China will effectively provide more competitive options for enterprises in China and worldwide to modernize applications and drive digital transformation," said Charlie Dai, a principal analyst at Forrester, a business strategy and economic consultancy.


"By expanding our partnership with WeChat, we are able to communicate with potential Chinese visitors on the platform they use most," Elliott L. Ferguson II, president and CEO of DDC, said in a press release on Tuesday. "We can also enhance the visitor experience for more than 300,000 Chinese travelers who visit Washington DC every year."


"China needs at least 2 trillion yuan (0.4 billion) of green investment annually over the next five years to promote environmental protection and reduce pollution," PBOC chief economist Ma Jun said in March.


